Thursday, January 24, 2013


He is more than just my husband, he is my best friend. He is funny, sweet, caring, sensitive and kind. He is everything I ever dreamed of and then some. We've been marrivery for over 6 years and I'm still frequently surprised at how amazingness.

My husband is the type of man who holds the door open for me, unloads the groceries in the rain, runs to the store to get whatever I'm craving at the moment, surprises me with gifts for no reason, lets me sleep in on weekends and accompanies me on weekend outings whenever my little heart desires.

Whenever my husband is away my heart aches for him. I miss laying next to him at night feeling so secure and safe, so protected and sure. I miss his hugs and his quick, trying not to breathe on me morning kisses. I miss holding his hand while driving, I miss cuddling on the couch watching movies. I miss his quick wit and teasing nature. I miss him grabbing my butt and trying to cop a feel every time he walks by. I miss him so deeply when he is not here. As I write this, he's been out of town for three days and doesn't return until tomorrow.

My husband is so caring and kind, so self sacrificing and loving.

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