Thursday, January 24, 2013


We had made the decision that shortly after our one year anniversary we would begin procreating. It didn't take long before pregnancy struck. I whisked my honey away after work one rainy day and we drove to a park. There was a little shelter at the picnic area and we ducked in there, Husband was confused and wondering what was going on. I handed him a card sharing with him the news that we were going to have a baby together.

Nine months later we welcomed our beautiful daughter into the world, he gave me the best gift I've ever received, the gift of motherhood. I'd spent my whole life wanting to be a mommy. We knew we wanted kids close in age so that they'd be able to play together and not drag out the baby stage. Nineteen months later we welcomed our son into the world.

My husband is not only an amazing spouse, he's an outstanding father. I'm so proud to be married to someone who loves his children as deeply as I do. I never thought that I'd love someone as truly and deeply as I do him.

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